
Once you start buying multiples of the products you only usually have room for 1 or 2 of you'll need to find another place to store your 'extras' and this will become your stockpile.

But if you're getting items so cheap why do you need to save them through stockpiling? Its simple- couponers buy enough of the item when its only pennies on the pound to last them until the item is on sale again (or until they have a 3-6 month supply) to avoid having to pay full price. Then, when they run out of an item, they can 'shop' for it from their stockpile thus saving money. 

Via The Coupon Project
Building a stockpile takes time and it won't appear overnight. Sure, you could go out and buy enough of all these products at retail price to last you 3-6 months or till they next go on sale but that defeats the purpose of money saving. Building it slowly will make sure you are paying the lowest possible price for those items. 

A stockpile shouldn't just be created and then left to expire, the items should be used constantly and be continually replaced. This is why you may see couponers in the store with only deodorant or cleaning products in their trolley and no food- this is because it is already in their stockpile!

But don't let the fear of building a monster stockpile put you off. A stockpile can be as big or as small as you like from a whole garage full to just a single draw, as long as you don't have to pay full retail price on the products you use frequently and love then your stockpile will be the perfect size for you.

Here's my mini stockpile, its confined to a single draw, this draw contains products I will need most often like deodorant and body wash and the rest of my stockpile can be tucked away until needed. This is really useful  if I'm in a rush and don't have time to root through my stockpile to find what I want and if I run out they are easily replaced by my big stockpile. Its also less obvious to visitors to your house if there isn't multiples of products in every draw in your house.

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