28 August, 2014

£5 off a £40 spend at Aldi coupon in the Mirror today! + other coupons

Forget about the Sun, its all about the Mirror now! In the Daily Mirror today there is a coupon for £5 off a £40 spend at Aldi and some other coupons for bread, ham etc which expires 4th September. 

Get one quickly to avoid disappointment.

24 August, 2014

FREE film preview of Before I go to sleep with Mail on Sunday

Have you seen the adverts for Before I go to sleep on the t.v and immediately thought you'd love to see that film? Well now you can see it FREE (and a week before it hits the cinemas) with the Mail on Sunday! 

Simply head over to the ShowFilmFirst website and enter the code 824663 in the top right hand corner of the page and scroll down to select which Vue cinema you want to see it at. 

The showings are for 1st September with most starting at 6:30pm. 

Please share this deal if you like it.

21 August, 2014

£3 off a £13 spend in Poundland today in the Sun

Looks like the rumours were all wrong, in fact there is a coupon for £3 off a £13 spend in Poundland- perfect for all those little bits and pieces (and branded products) which are a lot cheaper in there. 

Don't worry though tomorrows Sun will have a coupon for FREE icecream at Iceland!!

20 August, 2014

Rumours around a possible coupon in the sun tomorrow

There have been many rumours in the coupon world that tomorrows The Sun will be continuing the tradition of the last few weeks and providing a voucher to be redeemed at Morrisons.

Some have said that this week will be the fruit and veg coupon again (following the pattern from previous weeks), some believe that this week it will be a coupon for bakery products (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this one) and some don't think there will be a coupon at all as there is a free ice cream coupon in The Sun on friday.

Via Coupon Clippers UK
As usual, I will be heading out bright and early to confirm this but please grab your voucher quickly to avoid missing out- I hate that people take so many and there's so many people who miss out.

More freebies!

Here are some of the newest freebies (thanks to Latest Free stuff) and they will be added to the freebies page shortly:

Have you seen any good freebies that I've missed? Let me know in the comments below!

18 August, 2014

Freebie Dylon colour catcher

There's a new freebie in town! Get a free sample of Dylon colour catcher by entering your details here and it should arrive via post within 3 weeks.

FREEBIE Flava it marinade sample

Simply visit their website here, enter a few details and your sample will be sent via the post and arrive within 28 days!

Flavours will be sent at random.

17 August, 2014

Free Barclay's cycle hire TODAY

Sorry for the lack of updates recently- trying to sort out a few technical problems. 

However if you're stuck for something to do today, you can try Barclay's cycle hire for free as part of their birthday weekend. Simply use your Barclay's bank card (it won't be charged) and they will cover the 24- hour bike access fee for up to 4 bikes!

More information is here.

If this was helpful please share! 

13 August, 2014

Possibly a £5 off a £10 spend on meat & fish in The Sun tomorrow.

There have been some rumors floating around coupon world that tomorrows The Sun will have a voucher in it for £5 off a £10 spend on meat & fish again (hopefully including the 3 for £10 deal), this is based upon previous trends. 

I'll be heading out early tomorrow to confirm this but in the mean time have your running shoes at the door ready to grab your copy bright and early to avoid disappointment (after its been confirmed of course).

Today's freebies

I'm loving the freebies that came in the post today! AND it came with a 50p off coupon. 

Have you had any freebies recently? Let me know in the comments below.

10 August, 2014

FREE bag of Florette peppercress salad + overage!

There's a new coupon in town and this one gives you overage. Print the coupon here, and head to Tesco where the Florette salad is on offer for only £1 (offer exp 24/08), the coupon says it will credit any value up to £1.20 so you get 20p overage! Every little helps.

Did this deal work for you? Let me know in the comments.

Sanex deodorant only £0.37p!

Use this coupon with the offer in Tesco to get Sanex deodorant for only 37p!

Be quick though the offer runs out tomorrow! 

Did this deal work for you? Let me know in the comments.

09 August, 2014

My £5 Morrisons fruit & veg haul (part 2)

So today I did a final Morrisons shop to use up my £5 fruit and veg coupons which were found in the Sun the other day. You can see what I'd previously bought with the voucher here

I had 2 vouchers to spend so brought my lovely boyfriend along. The checkout lady tipped me off that you aren't allowed to give vouchers to your young children to use, and the it must be £5 or over for the voucher to scan (most things we wanted to buy were £0.99p so instead of getting food we don't particularly like completely free we chose to spend a few pence extra for fruit we love).

Cost only 42p!
In total this shop cost us £0.41p for £10.41p worth of shopping (we split them up so one cost £0.35 after coupon and the other cost £0.16p). And added to my shop on friday we got £15.72 worth of fruit and veg for just £0.72p. That's 95% savings!

08 August, 2014

Embarrassed by couponing? Why what people think shouldn't matter

Couponing shouldn't be something you are embarrassed about. Couponing isn't just for those with small budgets or a big family, it makes smart money sense to get the most from your hard earned cash. 

Even coupons themselves play on the embarrassment factor of using coupons to scare you into not using the coupon illegally, usually its worded something like 
"please do not attempt to redeem this coupon against the purchase of any other product, as refusal may cause embarrassment and delay at the checkout."
 So if manufacturers want more people to buy their products by giving out coupons, why are they trying to scare you off using coupons altogether? Even the most experienced couponers get nervous at the checkout, as we are made to feel like by using coupons we are doing something wrong or illegal when we're only trying to save a bit of money, and coupon use is becoming more widespread every day.

Another fear of using coupons to build a stockpile of lower priced goods is what people will think of you. An online commenter called Wylah on this site addresses some fears from a non-couponers perspective but also fails to notice couponers generally know where to draw the line. 
My sister is an extreme couponer, but she’s also an extreme hoarder (in denial of course). She hoards pets (around 30-40 cats and dogs currently), food (three deep freezers, a large pantry, and the walls are lined with several bookshelves crammed with food), electronics (she has a couple rooms in her house lined with about 100 old computers, not to mention more stockpiles of electronic parts and broken gadgets, plus she has to have a new phone, tablet, GPS, or other device every two months), children’s toys (she does have kids, but to dedicate an entire room to be filled floor to ceiling with old broken baby toys seems excessive – plus they’re covered in cat pee), software (she can’t stop buying more updates, templates, skins, and other senseless crap to use with her 3D rendering programs which she uses to make pictures of aliens and space ships.I’ve gone with her on trips to the grocery store, and many of them ended with her stomping, huffing, and yelling at the cashier, supervisor, and manager about not accepting one of her coupons. She also BUYS the coupons online, pays for shipping, ends up with coupons for items she doesn’t need and doesn’t normally buy, but buys the items anyway because of the coupon. Sometimes she rushes out to buy these unneeded items when the coupons are about to expire, from the nearest store (a publix) that has these items at double the price they would cost at walmart, and overspends on an unnecessary item just because the coupon was there. Buying coupons online is a part of her online shopping addiction, and feeds into her hoarding habits.I’ve never met an extreme couponer who wasn’t like my sister, so my judgment is that these women are housewives or lonely crones who live in a world so small and isolated that they think they can fill this void in their lives with hordes of crap. Some are probably open enough to snap out of it if someone cares enough, but some, like my sister, are blindly stubborn about it, so what can you do? They just don’t realize how stupid they look. On the contrary, they think everyone ELSE looks stupid compared to them.

But why should we let the thoughts of others influence our actions? Does their opinion really matter that much to us? When the fear of being judged by others or what they will think stops me from doing something, I purposely make myself do that because if I want to do it then I'm going to do it, especially if it means I have more money to spend on the things I enjoy. I will never stop couponing and I will never let what other people think stop me from doing what I want to do. Put perfectly by a Ms Cyrus "It's my life I can do what I want to".

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comments.

07 August, 2014

My £5 free fruit & veg Morrisons haul!

After getting the £5 of fruit and veg coupon out of The Sun today, we headed to Morrisons to make the most of this offer. 

This actually cost us £0.31p as the checkout lady was adamant the voucher wouldn't scan unless you had £5. A single courgette bumped the price up.

We only used 1 voucher as we were in a rush but have 2 more to use before Sunday, so I'll update this post afterwards. 

£5 of fruit & veg from Morrisons FREE!!

In today's Sun there is a coupon for £5 worth of fresh fruit, fresh salad, fresh veg or fresh herbs for only the cost of the paper (40p). But be fast, these are very popular! Also available in Scotland!

You can also use this coupon online when you spend over £40 using the code VOU4086011 (its the same on all coupons). Don't forget to tell me what you spent it on in the comments below.

06 August, 2014

Exciting news- the coupon matchup page will be updated and live monday!

I've been getting a few emails asking when the coupon match up page will be live, and I'm happy to tell you that the page will be updated every sunday ready for it to be live on the blog monday! Starting this week. 

I'll also try and update the other pages weekly, but at the moment I am focusing on the coupon match up. I will let you know when there's a schedule for that.

Let me know if there's anything you would like on the site but don't already see in the comments below.

04 August, 2014

Missed the Tesco school uniform coupons in the Mail on Sunday?

If you missed the Tesco school uniform coupons in the Mail on Sunday you're in luck. You can now get those great deals online,  just use these codes with your online shop:
  • £1 off F & F school shirts= SCHOOLSOUT1
  • £1 off F & F School trousers and skirts= SCHOOLSOUT2
  • 50p off F & F school polo shirts= SCHOOLSOUT3
  • £2 off F & F school shoes= SCHOOLSOUT4
  • 50p off F & F school jumpers and cardigans= SCHOOLSOUT5

Via Tesco
These are great stocking up prices for school uniform for the next academic year! Even better you can get £5 off when you spend £25 or more by entering SPRING2014 or £10 off when you spend £40 or more by entering FFTENOFF40 at the checkout.

Thanks to John for this deal. 

Valid until 17th August. Only can be used once per order.

Let me know if these worked for you in the comments.

03 August, 2014

Magazine freebies

In this months issue of GQ there is a Wilkinson Sword Hydro 5 razor which currently retails for £7.99 and in Glamour there is either Dramatically different moisturiser or coloured mascara.

If you happened to keep ??'s Metro, there is an offer in there to get both magazines for only £1 each! 

Thanks to Student Money Saver for this deal

02 August, 2014

Today's haul with only 1 coupon! Cost 15p!!

As promised here is my latest haul in which I only used the innocent veg coupon and the Tesco Orchard voucher. Here is the post where I had previously planned out my overage and explained that I use overage for those generic products that are always cheaper than offer + coupon. I had to make some changes as some items I'd planned on buying were out of stock! 

01 August, 2014

Recent Freebies & samples (& a tip to get the most out of the mini packets)

Here are some of the freebies which have been delivered by the postwoman this week:

From left to right: 
  • Change for life activity pack- includes stop watch, board game for exercise
  • Purina Delibake dog treats
  • Kerastase Nutritive hair mask out of Glamour mag
  • Wilkinson sword hydro 5 razor (inscribed)
  • not pictured: Winsor Newton water colour samples

I didn't used to enjoy getting little samples as I found the mini packaging hard to open, but I recently picked up some mini screw top jars to dump them into which makes using the samples so much easier and I waste much less! 

Do you have any tips to make using samples or freebies easier? Please tell me in the comments below.

My mini stockpile method

When I first started stockpiling it was because there was a great sale on at a wholesalers called JTF (well worth a visit if there's one close by). I stocked up on body wash, toothbrushes, disposable razors, a big bottle of 2 in 1 shampoo & conditioner and moisturisers for my first year at university. I still have some of the products left now, almost a year later. 

But I soon found that having body wash, behind body wash, behind body wash in a tiny university bedroom didn't work for me. And having to cart massive bottles which didn't fit into anything smaller than a carrier bag to a shared bathroom and back daily was starting to annoy me.