30 July, 2014

How I'd spend the overage (innocent veg pots)

This coupon from Innocent is a try me free (TMF) product coupon which scans at £3.89, but in Tesco the Innocent Veg pots are on offer for £1.95 giving you £1.94 overage! By using the back button trick (pressing back once it has printed will make it print a second time) you can get £3.88 overage towards your other shopping. 

I use overage on those items that are usually cheaper when you buy own brand than buying branded and combining it with the store offer and coupon. These products usually include washing up liquid, laundry gel/ powder, cleaning products and toilet paper. As you can see these are products that I don't matter how they taste as they aren't consumable and so make it easier to save a bit of money. 

Here is an example of what I may spend the overage from the Innocent veg pots on (I find that by using self scan or scan and shop that I am more likely to get the overage as it doesn't usually require any input from the cashier- who on a normal checkout may enter the exact value of the product preventing you from getting the overage). 

Tesco shop overage breakdown

2 x Value toothpaste (75ml) £0.25p x2
2 x Value washing up liquid (500ml) £0.33p x2
1 x Value toilet paper (4 roll) £0.67p
1 x Disinfectant (1 litre) £0.30p
4 x Deodorant £0.30p x4
1 x toothbrush (2 pack) £0.18p
1 x All purpose cleaner (1 litres) £0.25p
1 x Value thin bleach (2 litres) £0.29p

Total- £4.05

Overage value- £3.88
Total spent/ Out of pocket: £0.17p

Update: You can view my haul using the overage from this coupon here. With a few changes due to out of stock items, it cost only 15p! Less than 1p per item!

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